Publications représentatives par équipe

Homéostasie gliale, neuroinflammation et neuroprotection







miR-146b Protects the Perinatal Brain against Microglia-Induced Hypomyelination.

Bokobza C, Joshi P, Schang AL, Csaba Z, Faivre V, Montané A, Galland A, Benmamar-Badel A, Bosher E, Lebon S, Schwendimann L, Mani S, Dournaud P, Besson V, Fleiss B, Gressens P, Van Steenwinckel J. 

Ann Neurol. 2021 Nov 5. doi: 10.1002/ana.26263. 

A simple novel approach for detecting blood-brain barrier permeability using GPCR internalization.

Zsolt Csaba, Tania Vitalis, Christiane Charriaut-Marlangue, Isabelle Margaill, Bérard Coqueran, Pierre-Louis Leger, Iolanda Parente, Alice Jacquens, Luigi Titomanlio, Charlotte Constans, Charlie Demene, Mathieu D. Santin, Stéphane Lehericy, Nicolas Perrière, Fabienne Glacial, Stéphane Auvin, Mickaël Tanter, Jean-François Ghersi-Egea, Homa Adle-Biassette, Jean-François Aubry, Pierre Gressens and Pascal Dournaud.

Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology. 2021 Feb;47(2):297-315.

Tissue damage from neutrophil-induced oxidative stress in COVID-19. 

Laforge M, Elbim C, Frère C, Hémadi M, Massaad C, Nuss P, Benoliel JJ, Becker C. 

Nat Rev Immunol. 2020 Sep;20(9):515-516. doi: 10.1038/s41577-020-0407-1.

Decreased microglial Wnt/β-catenin signalling drives microglial pro-inflammatory activation in the developing brain.

Van Steenwinckel J, Schang A-L, Krishnan ML, Degos V, Delahaye-Duriez A, Bokobza C, Csaba Z,Verdonk Montané A , Sigaut S, Henneber, Lebon S, Schwendimann L, Le Charpentier T, Hassan-Abdi R, Ball G,Aljabar P,Saxena A, Holloway RK, Birchmeier W, Baud O, Rowitch D, Miron V, Chretien F, Leconte C, Besson VC, Petretto EG,1 Edwards AD, Hagberg H, Soussi-Yanicostas, Fleiss B, Gressens P. 

Brain 2019;142(12):3806–3833.

Mitochondria are physiologically maintained at close to 50 °C.

Chrétien D, Bénit P, Ha HH, Keipert S, El-Khoury R, Chang YT, Jastroch M, Jacobs HT, Rustin P, RakM.

PLoS Biol. 2018 Jan 25;16(1):e2003992. 

Pierre Gressens

DR Inserm

Pascal Dournaud

DR Inserm


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Estrogen alpha receptor inactivation in two sisters: different phenotypic severities for the same pathogenic variant.

Delcour C, Khawaja N, Gonzalez-Duque S, Lebon S, Talbi A, Drira L, Didier C, Ajlouni K, de Roux N. 

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Feb 3:dgac065. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgac065

Neuroglobin effectively halts vision loss in Harlequin mice at an advanced stage of optic nerve degeneration.

Cwerman-Thibault H, Lechauve C, Malko-Baverel V, Augustin S, Le Guilloux G, Reboussin É, Degardin-Chicaud J, Simonutti M, Debeir T, Corral-Debrinski M. 

Neurobiol Dis. 2021 Nov;159:105483. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2021.105483

Cell Metabolic Alterations due to Mcph1 Mutation in Microcephaly.

Journiac N, Gilabert-Juan J, Cipriani S, Benit P, Liu X, Jacquier S, Faivre V, Delahaye-Duriez A, Csaba Z, Hourcade T, Melinte E, Lebon S, Violle-Poirsier C, Oury JF, Adle-Biassette H, Wang ZQ, Mani S, Rustin P, Gressens P, Nardelli J. 

Cell Rep. 2020 Apr 14;31(2):107506. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.03.070

CDK5RAP2 primary microcephaly is associated with hypothalamic, retinal and cochlear developmental defects.

Nasser H, Vera L, Elmaleh-Bergès M, Steindl K, Letard P, Teissier N, Ernault A, Guimiot F, Afenjar A, Moutard ML, Héron D, Alembik Y, Momtchilova M, Milani P, Kubis N, Pouvreau N, Zollino M, Guilmin Crepon S, Kaguelidou F, Gressens P, Verloes A, Rauch A, El Ghouzzi V, Drunat S, Passemard S. 

J Med Genet. 2020 Jun;57(6):389-399. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2019-106474.

Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi stress in microcephaly.

Passemard S, Perez F, Gressens P, El Ghouzzi V. 

Cell Stress. 2019 Oct 30;3(12):369-384. doi: 10.15698/cst2019.12.206.





Nicolas de Roux



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Dysfonctionnements cellulaires des anomalies du neurodéveloppement









Nouveaux outils pour le traitement des données physiologiques dans les troubles précoces du développement neurologique


Obstructive apneas in a mouse model of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.
Madani A*, Pitollat G*, Sizun E, Cardoit L, Ringot M, Bourgeois T, Ramanantsoa N, Delclaux C, Dauger S, d'Ortho MP, Thoby-Brisson M, Gallego J, Matrot B.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Nov 15;204(10):1200-1210.

Cross-sectional case-control study of the relationships between pharyngeal compliance and heart rate variability indices in childhood obstructive sleep apnoea.
Bokov P, Mauvais FX, Madani A, Matrot B, Lecendreux M, Delanoë C, Konofal E, Gallego J, Delclaux C.

J Sleep Res. 2021 Oct;30(5):e13337.

Sleep complaints are associated with increased suicide risk independently of psychiatric disorders: results from a national 3-year prospective study. 

Geoffroy PA, Oquendo MA, Courtet P, Blanco C, Olfson M, Peyre H, Lejoyeux M, Limosin F, Hoertel N.

Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Jun;26(6):2126-2136.

Mind-wandering, or the allocation of attentional resources, is sleep-driven across childhood.

Spruyt K, Herbillon V, Putois B, Franco P, Lachaux JP.

Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):1269.

A Key Role for the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Revealed by Conditional Phox2b Mutant Mice.

Bourgeois T, Ringot M, Ramanantsoa N, Matrot B, Dauger S, Delclaux C, Gallego J.

Anesthesiology 2019 Jun;130(6):995-1006.

Boris Matrot

IR Inserm

Christophe Delclaux


Capture d’écran 2018-03-07 à 11.33.26.png




Détecter la langueAfrikaansAlbanaisAllemandAnglaisArabeArménienAzériBasqueBengaliBiélorusseBirmanBosniaqueBulgareCatalanCebuanoChichewaChinois (Simp)Chinois (Trad)CingalaiCoréenCréole haïtienCroateDanoisEspagnolEspérantoEstonienFinnoisFrançaisGalicienGalloisGéorgienGoudjaratiGrecHaoussaHébreuHindiHmongHongroisIgboIndonésienIrlandaisIslandaisItalienJaponaisJavanaisKannadaKazakhKhmerLaotienLatinLettonLituanienMacédonienMalaisienMalayalamMalgacheMaltaisMaoriMarathiMongolNéerlandaisNépalaisNorvégienOuzbekPanjabiPersanPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSerbeSesothoSlovaqueSlovèneSomaliSoudanaisSuédoisSwahiliTadjikTagalogTamoulTchèqueTeluguThaïTurcUkrainienUrduVietnamienYiddishYoroubaZoulou
AfrikaansAlbanaisAllemandAnglaisArabeArménienAzériBasqueBengaliBiélorusseBirmanBosniaqueBulgareCatalanCebuanoChichewaChinois (Simp)Chinois (Trad)CingalaiCoréenCréole haïtienCroateDanoisEspagnolEspérantoEstonienFinnoisFrançaisGalicienGalloisGéorgienGoudjaratiGrecHaoussaHébreuHindiHmongHongroisIgboIndonésienIrlandaisIslandaisItalienJaponaisJavanaisKannadaKazakhKhmerLaotienLatinLettonLituanienMacédonienMalaisienMalayalamMalgacheMaltaisMaoriMarathiMongolNéerlandaisNépalaisNorvégienOuzbekPanjabiPersanPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSerbeSesothoSlovaqueSlovèneSomaliSoudanaisSuédoisSwahiliTadjikTagalogTamoulTchèqueTeluguThaïTurcUkrainienUrduVietnamienYiddishYoroubaZoulou
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Génomique et médecine personnalisée dans les maladies cérébrovasculaires

End-truncated LAMB1 cause a hippocampal memory defect and a leukoencephalopathy.

Aloui C, Hervé D, Marenne G, Savenier F, Le Guennec K, Bergametti F, Verdura E, Ludwig TE, Lebenberg J, Jabeur W, Morel H, Coste T, Demarquay G, Bachoumas P, Cogez J, Mathey G, Bernard E, Chabriat H, Génin E, Tournier-Lasserve E.   

Ann Neurol. 2021 Oct 4. doi: 10.1002/ana.26242. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34606115 


Novel chronic mouse model of cerebral cavernous malformations. 

Cardoso C, Arnould M, De Luca C, Otten C, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Heredia A, Leutenegger AL, Schwaninger M, Tournier-Lasserve E, Boulday G.

Stroke. 2020 Apr;51(4):1272-1278. PMID: 31992178 


 Brain atrophy in cerebral small vessel diseases: Extent, consequences, technical limitations and perspectives: The HARNESS initiative.

De Guio F, Duering M, Fazekas F, De Leeuw FE, Greenberg SM, Pantoni L, Aghetti A, Smith EE, Wardlaw J, Jouvent E. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2020 Feb;40(2):231-245. 


Predictors of clinical or cerebral lesion progression in adult moyamoya angiopathy.

Hervé D, Ibos-Augé N, Calvière L, Rogan C, Labeyrie MA, Guichard JP, Godin O, Kossorotoff M, Habert MO, Tournier-Lasserve E, Chevret S, Chabriat H.

Neurology. 2019 Jul 23;93(4):e388-e397


Strategies for phasing and imputation in a population isolate.

Herzig AF, Nutile T, Babron MC, Ciullo M, Bellenguez C, Leutenegger AL.

Genet Epidemiol. 2018 Mar;42(2):201-213. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36050-7









Hugues Chabriat





Developmental trajectories of motor skills during the preschool period.

Peyre H, Albaret JM, Bernard JY, Hoertel N, Melchior M, Forhan A, Taine M, Heude B, De Agostini M, Galéra C, Ramus F; EDEN Mother-Child Cohort Study.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 Nov;28(11):1461-1474. 

The dynamics of cortical folding waves and prematurity-related deviations revealed by spatial and spectral analysis of gyrification.

Dubois J, Lefèvre J, Angleys H, Leroy F, Fischer C, Lebenberg J, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Borradori-Tolsa C, Lazeyras F, Hertz-Pannier L, Mangin JF, Hüppi PS, Germanaud D. 

Neuroimage. 2019 Jan 15;185:934-946. 

Cortical Auditory-Evoked Responses in Preterm Neonates: Revisited by Spectral and Temporal Analyses.

Kaminska A, Delattre V, Laschet J, Dubois J, Labidurie M, Duval A, Manresa A, Magny JF, Hovhannisyan S, Mokhtari M, Ouss L, Boissel A, Hertz-Pannier L, Sintsov M, Minlebaev M, Khazipov R, Chiron C.

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Oct 1;28(10):3429-3444. 

Three-Dimensional Probabilistic Maps of Mesial Temporal Lobe Structures in Children and Adolescents' Brains.

Bouyeure A, Germanaud D, Bekha D, Delattre V, Lefèvre J, Pinabiaux C, Mangin JF, Rivière D, Fischer C, Chiron C, Hertz-Pannier L, Noulhiane M.

Front Neuroanat. 2018 Nov 15;12:98. 


Does Contralesional Hand Function After Neonatal Stroke Only Depend on Lesion Characteristics? 

Dinomais M, Hertz-Pannier L, Groeschel S, Delion M, Husson B, Kossorotoff M, Renaud C, Chabrier S, The Tich SN; AVCnn Study Group.

Stroke. 2016 Jun;47(6):1647-50. 


Variabilité anatomo-fonctionnelle, vulnérabilité et plasticité au cours du neurodéveloppement : clinique, comportement et imagerie



Jessica Dubois

CR Inserm



Lucie Hertz-Pannier